Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The first card review!!! WOOHOO!!

        I was a bit indecisive on which card I should do first, seeing how there are over 4500 cards out nowadays and endless amounts of possibilities. BUT- after maybe 30 seconds of debating
I have chosen...

 This card is not a very commonly used card, and one from when the game first started, but I love it to no end.
               well.. maybe I don't love it THAT much, but I definitely see a lot of potential in this guy.

Now, unless you are using a battery man deck, which isn't really a competitive deck, this guy will probably not fit, but you never know, there are just SO many uses for this card.

First of all, the most obvious combo for this card lies with its connection to hand destruction

If you have 1 thunder dragon and a hand destruction, you got some good cookin- discard thunder dragon to get two from your deck, then use hand destruction to discard the thunder dragons, and draw two cards! If this is on the first turn then you just thinned your deck right off the bat, making it more likely to get the cards you need, while maintaining the same amount of cards in our hand!
here is a deck count from that combo. Assuming your deck is 40 cards, which is just an obvious choice for most decks, (Except for maybe lightsworns).

Deck count from combo! -

40-6 (first hand) = 34
34-2 (thunder dragons) = 32
32-2 (hand desctruction) = 30

Hand count from combo!

6-1 (thunder dragon) = 5
5+2 (thunder dragons) = 7
7-3 (hand destruction, then 2 discards) = 4
4+2 (from hand destruction) = 6

So what is the end result? You can thin your deck down to 30 cards and put thunders in the graveyard AND keep your hand at 6 for the first turn. That's pretty good if you ask me.

Why do you need thunders in the graveyard you might ask. Well, for batteryman decks you would need them for this guy -

BAM, instantly get those thunders in and remove those useless thunder dragons! (useless once they are in the graveyard)
This also raises even more cause for someone to put hand destruction in their batteryman deck, seeing how they can discard 2 batterymen, then draw 2- potentially getting an industrial strength to their hand.
I would be weary about using hand destruction casually though- rememeber it actually has a   -1 effect on your hand if you don't use thunder dragon, because you are using hand destruction itself, meaning you are taking 3 cards out of your hand to get 2. Which is no good T_T

Now...the serious weakness of thunder dragon...
with such an epic looking card, you might think it doesn't have a single weakness, oh but it does.
Even if you can get its effect off...that doesn't necessarily mean you just want 2 thunder dragons in your hand. That can just flat out suck sometimes, havin a level 5 with 1600 atk...that is an absolute joke, haha.

BUT FEAR NOT! there are ways around this weakness!
Have cards in your deck that discard a lot. DON'T GO OVER BOARD! but have enough so that you can usually have one if you get stuck in one of these thunder dragon super glue situations, and you get stuck with nothin.
Here are a few examples of cards you might want to add, to balance out the weakness of this card-

Even without Thunder Dragons, Lightning vortex can come in handy.

This card is awesome with Thunder Dragons! Playing someone with a themed deck can deffinitely take out their main monsters with the multiple removal.

and here is a bit of a fun last option, although definitely not one I would use, haha.

Use this and Battle mania ---

and prepare yourself for some funny moments with friends, haha.
For tournament play, I would probably steer away from using batterymen in general, so maybe this whole Thunder Dragon fascination I have might go to waste, but I have definitely utilized many of these combos in fun decks that I have used against friends.
Ps, All of the cards I have shown stick with the electricity theme for people who enjoy having every card revolve around their theme.
I give Thunder Dragon a 6/10 for the deck thinning and hand power. 
My next card will be one that I believe has the best deck thinning and hand power in the game...although I am not to sure about how stable it is, unless the player is really careful about making their deck based around it, haha.

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